• Leadership is not a matter of birth; it is a matter of knowledge and nurturing.
• In other words, anyone can be taught to be a leader because, by virtue of being human, everyone has been given leadership seeds that if nurtured in the right environment will grow, lead and impact others’ lives in significant ways.
• Dr. Myles Munroe, a renowned world leader and supporter of C-Prep once said “Every manufacturer designs his product with the right components, engineered to fulfill the function that the product is created to perform. In essence, the purpose of the product dictates the mechanical and engineering components required to fulfill the manufacturer's intent. Its "circuits" are right for the job.”
• This principle holds true for humanity as well. GOD placed in everyone the Inherent Power to be everything, to do everything, and to have everything that their purpose, destiny, and dream require.
• In Genesis 1:26, GOD gave humanity its mandate and original purpose which was to reign and have an influence on the earth. The Creator wired all humanity with the capacity to lead; whereby, humanity is to reign in the realm of personal destiny, by endeavoring to influence and to make a significant difference in the lives of others; thus, leaving the world better than they found it.
• Leadership Development is confirmed at C-Prep by student's passion and ability to glorify GOD, by making a significant difference in the lives of others.
• It is impossible to follow a genuine leader unless one has a leader hidden in him or her, too. It is by following a leader, and his or her vision, that the hidden leader in others begins to surface, causing their vision for life to have the synergy needed for their destinies to be fulfilled.