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CPREP Mission Statement

Cornerstone Christian College Preparatory School is a Christian college preparatory school with a strong liberal arts academic tradition. Its mission is to provide an excellent education through the cultivation of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, and the development of the whole child, thereby, preparing students for successful participation in post-secondary education and creating a pool of leaders ready to assume the challenges 21st-century global society. CPREP effectuates its mission by:

1. Giving students a firm foundation in basic academic disciplines,
2. Intellectually challenging every student,
3. Creating within each student a love for learning,
4. Challenging students to include moral principles in all of their pursuits,
5. Encouraging students to develop an appreciation for the varied schools available to them in University life,
6. Including parents in their child’s education by holding them accountable as their first and primary teacher, and
7. Developing self-efficacy in all students which projects them as one of the great minds and leaders in the world.

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    3501 Harris Road | Fort Wayne, IN 46808
    P: 260.471.9639 | F: 260.483.8647 |

    ​© 2025 Cornerstone Christian College Preparatory School. All rights reserved.​

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